Networks & av
Part of providing you with a constantly stable network is to ensure that all associated systems are reliable. We will always promote to make the best out of the hardware than you already have invested in, however there will come a time when these items of hardware will require replacing. We will provide you with a ‘one stop shop’, so that you can leave everything to us.
We will plan and implement the best and most cost effective solution for you which will be decided upon after a consultation with you to ensure we have all your requirements covered. Our technicians are fully competent in setting up server systems, and will use their in depth knowledge to provide you with the best solution to suite your needs. We are able to setup anything from a small sized server to serve less than 20 computers; to highly resilient, high powered servers running virtual services attached to SAN (Storage Area Network) boxes ensuring future expandability and reliability.

Data & Fibre
CITL understands the importance of a properly installed Data (Cat5e, CAT6, CAT7 etc) & Fibre (OM3, OM4, SM, MM) network and is proud to be able to certify our installations for a vendor backed 25-year warranty. Our engineers are training to ensure cabling is installed in accordance with with BS 50173 and BS 50174 standards, ensuring you can get the best use of your infrastructure. You can even call on us to audit your existing network, strip out and re-cable data cabinets to ensure they are suitable to maintain and access.

Managed and Enterprise WiFi can make all the difference to the experience of your users. Users are becoming more and more dependant on mobile devices, and CITL works with multiple vendors to ensure we can provide the right solution for your environment. Over the years, we have enabled 10,000s of users to access services and communications via the use of WiFi networks.

Audio Visual (AV) & Interactivity
Pen and paper are increasingly becoming a thing of the past, as are standard noticing and presentation boards/devices. CITL supply and install a full range of interactive screens, digital signage products, projection systems and more using the latest technology from the AV world. We are accredited by multiple vendors in this space and are able to carry out a single screen installation to a professionally designed AV solution. Speak to us for your Interactive Screen, Projection, PA, Hall AV, Lockdown systems.
Networks & AV For Education
Interactive Classrooms
ClickOn IT London are accredited resellers for the biggest names in the Interactive Technology market. All of our engineers are accredited installers and have vast experience in installing all models and makes of Interactive Technology.
Our comprehensive range of Interactive Screens & Whiteboards include CTOUCH, SMART, Promethean, Clevertouch & more. We are able to offer you the ideal solution for every application and environment. ClickOn IT London are at the forefront of Interactive Screen technology and have already supplied and installed a vast amount of the technology successfully. Our product range also includes all-in-one Interactive Whiteboard systems with built in projectors and height adjustable screens & boards.
Furthermore, we also offer a full range of industry leading projectors and visual kit from all manufacturers. We strive to offer you the best value and reliability. We have partnered with some of the top educational suppliers to bring you dedicated offers that are only available to schools.
Our in-house team enable us to offer our customers a total Interactive Solution from the point of a tailored recommendation to complete installation. Additionally we are able to offer demonstrations and training in the classroom, office or conference rooms. Our friendly pre-installation team and on site engineers will ensure that you get the best possible service and a guaranteed quality of installation every time.
Managed Wi-Fi
Schools today are faced with a new challenge of providing secure, stable Wi-Fi for tablets, laptops & other mobile devices. Students expect fast connections that don’t drop which puts IT demands under immense pressure. ClickOn IT London deliver wireless solutions that can meet both Wi-Fi & e-learning expectations.
A host of mobile devices can be used with Wi-Fi systems, including Laptops, PCs, Mobile Phones and Tablets. We can setup everything from a home wireless network for you to share your network files and internet connection to a fully Managed Wireless systems to cope with multiple device access.
With plans for mobile device expansion and current inefficiency the recommended system to have in place would be a managed wireless network. A system that will be available constantly throughout the school, enabling pupils and teachers to work collaboratively and in a more engaging manner. We propose to design a solution that will give you a robust wireless platform and blanket coverage.
The provision of seamless mobility for wireless enabled devices on your network in a secure form. A standard wireless network can be unreliable as each access point is setup individually. Reduced connectivity is a common problem where some clients will be disconnected from the network to allow bandwidth to other devices. Traditional wireless networks, configured on standard access points do not allow for any form of load balancing, making the networks unreliable and in many cases unusable. Another major flaw is possible interference from other wireless networks and also signal bouncing from incorrectly configured channels. A managed system takes these issues away.
If you would like more information on this or would like a comprehensive quotation, with leasing options please contact us.

We passionately believe that ICT provides a gateway to develop greater learning in schools
Everyone is always looking for a way to do things better and faster. That's why we love technology.
We're here to help you get the best possible results out of your medial team.